Education Health Care Plans

An EHCP is a document which sets out the education, health and social care needs a child or young person aged 0-25 has and the support that is necessary to cater to those needs. All the needs described within the EHCP must result from special educational needs (SEN). An EHCP should specify the following:

  • the child’s SEN (Special Educational Needs)
  • the outcomes sought for the child
  • special educational provision required by the child
  • any health care provision reasonably required by the child’s learning difficulties and disabilities which result in SEN
  • any social care provision reasonably required by the child’s learning difficulties and disabilities which result in SEN
  • for under 18s – any social care provision that must be made by the LA, and
  • the plan may also specify other health care and social care provision reasonably required by the child.

The EHCP is a legally binding document. It is binding on local authorities and your local health services (clinical commissioning groups).

The Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) sets out your child’s education needs in terms of what support they require and are entitled to. The EHCP was introduced in 2014, following the Children and Families Act 2014 coming into effect on 1st September 2014.

Most of our learners have an Education Health Care Plans (EHCP). If a child does not have an EHCP, they may join the school on an assessment placement. During the assessment period, advice will be sought from parents, social services, health services, the educational psychologist and the school. These contributions are used to support an application for an Educational Health Care Plan

Teachers monitor and review the pupil’s progress during the course of a year, and this is fed back at an annual review of the EHCP. Annual reviews meetings are organised by the school, during which all stakeholders get an overview of the child/ young person’s well-being, development and progress being made towards long term EHCP outcomes. As needs change outcomes will be reviewed and amended as required.

If you would like to see some more information relating to EHCP's please follow the link below:

Educational, Health and Care (EHC Plans)

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