Performance Data


All pupils at Lime Academy Ravensbourne have complex and profound Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and are functioning at levels significantly below age related expectations. As such our pupils are not required to access National Testing, e.g., Year 1 Phonics Testing, SATS or examinations, e.g., GCSEs. We complete statutory returns detailing that are pupils are disapplied due to their needs. We use Evidence for Learning to track, and evidence progress across the curriculum and towards individual Education Health Care Plan outcomes. Their achievements and progress are measured using our own assessment systems designed to measure progress over time from each pupil’s individual starting point.

Some of our pupils join us in our Early Years department and make significant and rapid progress. If a pupil reaches a stage where they would be able to access education at or around an age-related expectation level, we will support the pupils and their family to choose a setting which provides routes into accreditation.

Please click on the link below for further information national performance tables.

General Search for Performance Data

Performance Data for Lime Academy Ravensbourne

The Government will not publish KS2 School Level Data for the 2021-2022 academic year.  They have archived the data from 2018-2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Student Destinations:

Lime Academy Ravensbourne Leavers transition to either a further education provider or to a social care setting. The school’s family support worker supports parents to ensure they select the setting that is right for their young person.


Most of our year groups contain less than 10 students and we therefore reserve the right not to publish small group data such as exam results or swimming proficiency which might enable individual students to be identified.


Havering Schools and Colleges Performance tables

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