The green shoots at Ravensbourne
At Lime Academy Ravensbourne we are beginning to compile an Eco Policy.
We are starting by encouraging everyone to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
We are looking for other ways to further our new Eco Policy from our Students, Staff and others in our Community.
New Recycling points have been set up in the school and some of our students have been involved in producing the signage made ,of course, from recycled items such as bottle tops.
Students are encouraged to clear up after lunch
We are also starting to have the conversations about Eco friendly travelling to and from School. The Bike Rack has been smartened up and
there is now a Staff Shower for those who may wish to cycle in to work.
Rainwater butts have been installed in the Staff areas to enable the watering of plants throughout the summer heatwaves
Our Site Team have been reusing items and repurposing them in different areas to reduce our waste and our spending on new items. Trolleys have been constructed from damaged desks and wheelchairs.
Some of our Students are now doing some Life Skills around Recycling and the Environment