Our Site Team works hard to complete projects

Over the last year or so the site team has worked very hard moving things around and repurposing spaces to maximise the benefit to our Students and Staff.


Classrooms have been moved, classes have been moved into more appropriate spaces.  The new staff facilities and therapy suite have all been created by our site team.

Please take a look at some of the projects they have completed.

 There are never enough hours in the day for our Site Team. 

They check things are working the way they should,  they fix things where they can as well as organising the servicing of equipment every year (or more often if needed).


They still find time for some projects though.  Please take a look at some of these.









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 Thursday 30th January 10am

Come and join us for coffee and find out about the family app for Evidence for Learning

We will support you in installing it or accessing.

Please come along to find out more